Discover our most powerful and easy to use planner.

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Students succeed when they have a clear path. Our planner includes features like progress tracking, customizable layouts, and step-by-step task breakdowns, making it easy to stay organized and plan out schoolwork. With Studyo, students can come to every class prepared to learn and teachers can finally focus on what they do best: teach.

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See it in action

Our school launched Studyo in the summer and student engagement went from 4% to 96% in only 4 weeks!

Tom Malone
Tom Malone
Principal, Loyola High School

Workload and schedule, combined.

Every student and teacher sees their own personalized schedule. Homework and exams are overlaid on top, so it is always clear which task belongs to which class, and when.

Our school calendar and schedule is quite rich and the ability for students to see both their schedule and assignments and exam dates in one place has really helped!

St-Francis Prep.
Nicole M.Educational Technology Coordinator, St-Francis Prep.
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Visibility for admins with Studyo Insights

Get real, valuable insight letting you know Studyo is making a difference in your school.

All school work is centralized in one place.
Tasks from all sources (Google Classroom, Canvas, Blackbaud, Microsoft Teams, etc.) are consolidated in a single planner.
Collaborative workload management breaks down silos between teachers.
Teachers can see current student workload in real-time to avoid scheduling multiple exams on the same day. They see which teacher posted their work and when, enabling communications to establish priorities. If they forget, Studyo warns them of possible overloads.
Pedagogy booster around organizational skills.
Students manage each task in their workload to achieve their goals. Setting goals, breaking down tasks and building grit lead to better self-confidence and success. While paper planners have typically been used to write down due assignments, in Studyo, students are encouraged to build the dozen or more skills required to properly use a planner.
Studyo Insights Dashboard

Visibility for parents, finally!

Parents have read only access to their child’s planner at all times and also receive an email report every Friday evening with a summary of what’s on the agenda for the next 2 weeks. And this includes tasks from your LMS (yes, even from Google Classroom) without requiring that parents have their own accounts.

We’ve seen a 10x reduction of emails back and forth between parents and teachers.

Helen P.Deputy Director of Pedagogy and Innovation, Assomption College
Weekly Parent Report

Studyo’s student-centric approach clears the path to success.

Pricing is tailored to your school reality. Not yet ready for a whole school change? You can start with Studyo Go now with as few students as you like, for free.